my own creation



That feeling of smiling even if you are not happy

To be woken up by feelings of excitement, all of a sudden you feel jumpy

It’s all creepy yet the feeling is just too lovely


It makes me whole and fills my soul

I had it all because I’ve heard it all

The bible says the joy of the Lord Is my strength.

It stretches from within to light up a smile upon my

dull sad face,

so all human beings can trace the root of my salvation.


It makes me whole and fills my soul

Every step I take may be filled with hurt

But the joy within me brings comfort

knowing I can face all my tomorrows

brings ease upon my beating heart.

The lord is the joy I my life, He keeps me safe

And has given me eternal life

Some argue there is no such but

I know that much

Jesus is my savior from all labour

He became the price to save my life

Yes He is alive and I strive to be part of His tribe

Yes He is my joy, that me whole and fills my soul.